Saturday 19 December 2009


Publishers are free to submit review copies for consideration. Please email for a UK postal address. 

We feature one or two short stories and poems in each issue. Due to the magazine being free, we are unable to offer payment at this time. We are however more than happy to consider previously published material, and include a short bio and links back to your own site.

Word count for short stories should be no more than around 2200 words and poetry no more than 45 lines ish - this is purely because we are tight on space and in February only managed to squeeze in one story and one poem, and not because we can't be arsed reading longer submissions.

Due to the number of submissions we receive (and because it's rather messy and confusing) can you please include on the actual Word document, at the top, your full name and email address. We don't mind what font you use, or colour, or size, or alignment, so long as you don't take the piss - white is very difficult to read.

This is so we can contact you back and you don't think we're ignorant when your email gets buried and all we have a file and we've no idea who it's off.

The email address is

We are always on the lookout for new articles by aspiring columnists. 

Due to the magazine being free, we are unable to offer payment at this time. We are however more than happy to consider previously published material, and include a short bio and links back to your own site. That said, please don't send us articles about how wonderful you are or how brilliant a site/service you can provide for the writing community (see 'advertising' for that). Generally useful and/or funny is what we go for.

So, if you have a distinct voice, with an edge, and something to say, put a proposal together and send it to Don't forget, flattery gets you everywhere. We'll consider it and get back to you (we aim at less time than your average agent ...).