Thursday, 31 March 2011

JK Rowling. That Get Your Attention?

Don't ask how we did it. We practitioners of the Dark Arts are forbidden to reveal the secret methods by which we achieve our Machiavellian goals. It's similar to The Magic Circle except we will actually be killed horribly if we betray our hidden truths, as opposed to having our membership badge removed and having to pay for parking.

But yes we, we small, humble few, have achieved the hitherto impossible. We've convinced the most successful author on the planet to talk about her feet.

Our PLANET WIDE EXCLUSIVE interview with Jo Rowling (yes, we get to call her that) will feature in the June 2011 issue of Words With JAM. This issue will actually be out in June 2011, funnily enough. Unlike most other magazines, we are what we say on the tin.

Words With JAM
Making other magazines feel inadequate since 2009.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Legal protection for Public Libraries is Under Threat

Crucial legal requirements that require local authorities to provide a comprehensive and efficient public library service have been put under review

The Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has launched a review of the statutory duties placed on local government. The DCLG are “inviting you to comment on the duties and challenge government on those which you feel are burdensome or no longer needed.”

The DCLG have identified 1,294 statutory duties that central government places on local authorities, three of these duties apply to public library services in England. All three of these duties are held by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport under the Public Libraries & Museums Act (1964).

“We are calling on everyone who cares about public libraries to explain to the Department of Communities and Local Government, loud and clear, why these statutory duties are so vital,” said Brian Hall, CILIP President, “These duties mean that local authorities have a legal obligation to provide comprehensive and efficient library services, and they allow the Secretary of state to monitor and inspect library services. Without them, it will be incredibly difficult to hold local authorities to account and local people will be much less likely to receive a quality public library service that is consistent across the country. I urge you to submit your views by the 25 April 2011.”

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Friday, 4 March 2011

World Book Night podcast

We at Words with Jam wanted to get involved with all the fun of the BBC’s World Book Night. The April edition of the magazine will include articles from a book ‘giver’, from an author attending an event at her local bookshop, and from our reporter at the World Book Night party in Trafalgar Square. But for now, here is our World Book Night podcast – a selection of our readers and contributors championing their choice of books from the World Book Night List.

The podcast can now also be accessed via iTunes. Just go to or search for ‘Words with Jam podcast’. And if you feel like giving us a review or a star rating while you're there, that's even better! (iTunes updates once a day, so the latest episodes may not show immediately.)

If you have not been selected as one of the BBC’s World Book Night ‘givers’ why not join in Nicola Morgan’s alternative World Book Night. This weekend, buy a book from your local bookshop. Write inside it: "Given in the spirit of World Book Night, March 5th 2011 and bought from [insert name of shop] - please enjoy and tell people about it." And give it to someone. Anyone. A friend or stranger, a library or school or doctor's surgery or anything.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Cyber Friends and Threatened Libraries

Following on from Catriona Troth's article 'In Praise of Virtual Friends', we wondered it you have any tales about cyber-friendship you’d like to share? Do write and tell us. The best entries (500 words or less) submitted by March 14th will be published in the April edition of Words with Jam.

Just email by 14th of March, with the subject 'Tales of Cyber Friendship'.

We are also interested in any local news about the campaign to Save Our Libraries. If you have a story to tell about your fight to keep your library, please email, with the subject 'Save Our Libraries'.