Thursday 31 March 2011

JK Rowling. That Get Your Attention?

Don't ask how we did it. We practitioners of the Dark Arts are forbidden to reveal the secret methods by which we achieve our Machiavellian goals. It's similar to The Magic Circle except we will actually be killed horribly if we betray our hidden truths, as opposed to having our membership badge removed and having to pay for parking.

But yes we, we small, humble few, have achieved the hitherto impossible. We've convinced the most successful author on the planet to talk about her feet.

Our PLANET WIDE EXCLUSIVE interview with Jo Rowling (yes, we get to call her that) will feature in the June 2011 issue of Words With JAM. This issue will actually be out in June 2011, funnily enough. Unlike most other magazines, we are what we say on the tin.

Words With JAM
Making other magazines feel inadequate since 2009.


  1. Can't wait to read that interview.

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