Wednesday 25 November 2015

60 Seconds with Chrissie Loveday

Chrissie Loveday is a prolific writer who has moved genre from many years of writing romance to exploring the depths of crime fiction. Living on the Cornish coast, her novels are full of excellent locations, using the stunning coastline to full effect. Her latest crime novel, The Phoenix Project, was released on November 19th and her latest wartime romance is currently resting with her agent.

Tell us a little about you and your writing.

After spending most of my life working in education, I started writing about twenty years ago. I wrote romantic fiction and was soon writing for D C Thomson. They took most of what I was writing and then I sold on to Ulverscroft. I broke with them earlier this year for various reasons. Now, I seem to be writing for e-books.

You write in more than one genre, why is that?

I wanted to expand my writing and as I read a lot of crime fiction, I thought I’d give that a try. It seemed to be reasonably successful. I shall still go back to romance from time to time.

What’s the best thing about being a writer? 

The best thing about being a writer is the freedom it gives. I can choose to write or not as the mood takes me. Best of all, I can create whole worlds inhabited by people from my imagination. Sometimes they take over and I find them acting in ways I had never intended. Interesting!

And the worst?

It’s the editing I find most difficult … well not difficult but tedious. But it has to be done and I hope the books are as near perfect editorially as I can make them. Deadlines are also a problem but as I usually make my own, that isn’t too demanding.

Where do you write? 

I have my ‘office’ at one side of my bedroom. I have a gorgeous view over the sea and have to admit to watching when the waves are crashing against the cliffs opposite. 

What does your love of Cornwall and your Cornish locale bring to your writing?

I love creating new places to write about. I think of somewhere I know and make additions to it and of course, give it a new name. It’s such a beautiful county with moors and seaside … all so very inspirational.

Which three books would you take to a desert island?

Three books to take to a desert island ...a tricky one. I’d probably like a Dylan Thomas poetry and plays combined: Agatha Christie compilation: Nora Roberts when she wrote mysteries rather than pure romance.

Which author do you most admire, and why?

It’s very difficult to single out one author … it depends on what I’m reading at the time. Perhaps Peter James is one of my favourites. He writes complex mysteries and keeps one guessing to the end. And there are lots of books to choose from.

What are your future writing plans?

I have an idea for another mystery next and I’m planning to begin that fairly soon. I also have another idea for a follow up on a romance I wrote a while back. I do like to do these sort of things as people know the characters and like to know what happened to them. 

Facebook: Chrissie Loveday

Twitter: @chrissieloveday


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