Tuesday 26 January 2016

60 Seconds with Conrad Jones

Conrad Jones spent 12 years working for the biggest quick service restaurant brand in the world. On March 20th 1993 the IRA terrorist organisation bombed the shopping centre outside the restaurant he was managing that day. The experience fuelled an interest in the root causes of extremist terrorists and the reasoning why its perpetrators feel justified in taking innocent lives. That incident sparked the story of 'Soft Target' and many books later his last release 'Three' in November 2015. He is now a full-time writer and admits he is 'living the dream.'

Hello, Conrad, tell us a little about you and your writing.

I'm 50 this year, which is something I am surprised to be and I am the author of 14 novels, which is an even greater surprise. I began writing in 2007 and have no desire to stop yet. I live on Holy Island, North Wales with my Staffie, Annie Jones.

You cover some pretty dark topics in your books - where do you get your ideas?

The news. My stories all germinate from a real event or series of events and then evolve from there.

You have a loyal fan base - is that important to you as a writer?

Absolutely. It is the one thing that keeps you going when you hit turbulence. The day my readers stop liking my books is the day that I will stop writing ha ha!

Do you have a special writing place?

My settee with the Staffie curled up next to me.

How do you handle research in your novels?

I usually research as I reach a subject that needs clarifying or when something needs credibility. I do it as I write.

Any plans to write in a different genre one day - romance perhaps? :-)

None at all.......I have drifted into the horror genre but my books blur the lines between thrillers and horror anyway so it wasn't much of a challenge....

Which one music cd or album would you take to a desert island and why?

David Bowie's Heroes. Bowie had a huge effect on my teens and the music I listen to. He changed his music style many times and influences so many artists today.

Which one book do you wish you'd written and why?

50 Shades......because I would be loaded....ha ha! Seriously though, Domain by James Herbert simply because it mesmerised me as I read it. It hooked me from page 1 and if you can do that to a reader, then you are truly an author.

If you could give three top tips to a newbie writer, what would they be?

1, Don't give up your day job until you have a series of novels selling well. It took me 8 years to become an overnight success and get a good proofreader.
2, Get another good proofreader to check the first edit.
3, Get a third good proofreader, just to be sure.

What are your future writing plans?

My latest novel Thr3e was my favourite to write. Having said that, the latest one is always my favourite. There are some characters and organisations in that story that I am not done with yet. I have another two novels in my head for 2016. I want to reach 20 novels and then I think I will just read other people's stuff ha ha!

Find Conrad ...



Twitter : @ConradJones

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